Publikationen 2021
Kordsmeyer A, Mojtahedzadeh N, Heidrich J, Militzer K, von Münster T, Belz L, Jensen H, Bakir S, Henning E, Heuser J, Klein A, Sproessel N, Ekkernkamp A, et al.
Systematic Review on Outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 on Cruise, Navy and Cargo Ships (Originalartikel)
International Journal of Environmental Research an Public Health. 2021; 18(10):5195. (Erschienen)
Systematic Review on Outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 on Cruise, Navy and Cargo Ships (Originalartikel)
International Journal of Environmental Research an Public Health. 2021; 18(10):5195. (Erschienen)
Salloum M, Asmus A, Wendy M, Millrose M, Obladen A, Goelz L, Diehl J, Eisenschenk A, Ekkernkamp A, Kim S
Increase of weight-bearing capacity of patients with lesions of the TFCC using a wrist brace (Originalartikel)
Journal of Hand Therapy. (open access) 2021. (In Press)
Journal of Hand Therapy. (open access) 2021. (In Press)
Klein A, Heuser J, Henning E, Sprössel N, Kordsmeyer A, Oldenburg M, Mojtahedzadeh N, Heidrich J, Militzer K, Belz L, von Münster T, Harth V, Ehlers L, de Boer J, Kleine-Kampmann S, Boldt M, Dirksen-Fischer M, Haralambiev L, Gümbel D, Ekkernkamp A, Bakir M
A mass casualty incident of infectious diseases at the port of Hamburg: an analysis of organizational structures and emergency concepts (Originalartikel)
Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology. 2021; 16(1):36. (Erschienen)
A mass casualty incident of infectious diseases at the port of Hamburg: an analysis of organizational structures and emergency concepts (Originalartikel)
Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology. 2021; 16(1):36. (Erschienen)
Bakir M, Langenbach A, Pinther M, Lefering R, Krinner S, Grosso M, Ekkernkamp A, Schulz-Drost S, the TraumaRegister D
The significance of a concomitant clavicle fracture in flail chest patients: incidence, concomitant injuries, and outcome of 12,348 polytraumata from the TraumaRegister DGU® (Originalartikel)
European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. 2021. (Erschienen)
European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. 2021. (Erschienen)
Ludwig J, Heumann P, Gümbel D, Rechenberg U, Goelz L, Mutze S, Ekkernkamp A, Bakir S
Full-body MR imaging: a retrospective study on a novel diagnostic approach for children sustaining high-energy trauma (Originalartikel)
European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. 2021. (Erschienen)
European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. 2021. (Erschienen)
Bakir M, Carbon R, Ekkernkamp A, Schulz-Drost S
Monopolar and Bipolar Combination Injuries of the Clavicle: Retrospective Incidence Analysis and Proposal of a New Classification System (Originalartikel)
Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021; 10(24):5764. (Erschienen)
Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021; 10(24):5764. (Erschienen)
Kopp M, Lübstorf T, Blex C, Schwab J, Grittner U, Auhuber T, Ekkernkamp A, Niedeggen A, Prillip E, Hoppe M, Ludwig J, Kreutzträger M, Liebscher T
Association of age with the timing of acute spine surgery-effects on neurological outcome after traumatic spinal cord injury (Originalartikel)
European Spine Journal.2021. (Erschienen - EPub)
Association of age with the timing of acute spine surgery-effects on neurological outcome after traumatic spinal cord injury (Originalartikel)
European Spine Journal.2021. (Erschienen - EPub)
Stengel D, Hoenning A, Just S, Mutze S, Ekkernkamp A, Ohmann T, Haase H, Kröpil P, Goelz L
The CRECHE study: testing the urban myth that chocolate Santa Clauses are re-wrapped Easter Bunnies (Originalartikel)
Medical Journal of Australia.2021. 531-535. (Erschienen - EPub)
The CRECHE study: testing the urban myth that chocolate Santa Clauses are re-wrapped Easter Bunnies (Originalartikel)
Medical Journal of Australia.2021. 531-535. (Erschienen - EPub)
Ebinger M, Siegerink B, Kunz A, Wendt M, Weber J, Schwabauer E, Geisler F, Freitag E, Lange J, Behrens J, Erdur H, Ganeshan R, Liman T, Scheitz J, Schlemm L, Harmel P, Zieschang K, Lorenz-Meyer I, Napierkowski I, Waldschmidt C, Nolte C, Grittner U, Wiener E, Bohner G, Nabavi D, Schmehl I, Ekkernkamp A, et al.
Association Between Dispatch of Mobile Stroke Units and Functional Outcomes Among Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke in Berlin (Originalartikel)
JAMA Network Open. 2021. 454-466. (Erschienen - EPub)
Association Between Dispatch of Mobile Stroke Units and Functional Outcomes Among Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke in Berlin (Originalartikel)
JAMA Network Open. 2021. 454-466. (Erschienen - EPub)
Kordsmeyer A, Mojtahedzadeh N, Heidrich J, Militzer K, von Münster T, Belz L, Jensen H, Bakir S, Henning E, Heuser J, Klein A, Sproessel N, Ekkernkamp A et al.
Systematic Review on Outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 on Cruise, Navy and Cargo Ships (Originalartikel)
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021. 5195. (Erschienen - EPub)
Systematic Review on Outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 on Cruise, Navy and Cargo Ships (Originalartikel)
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021. 5195. (Erschienen - EPub)